Hi, I'm Hagen, a researcher at audEERING, where I work on signal processing and deep learning for audio and speech. I'm interested in testing and reproducibility in machine learning, speech emotion recognition, spatial audio, and sound quality.

Stereophonic telephones at the exhibition 1881 in Paris.
Théodore du Moncel, Nature October 20 (1881), pp. 585–89
I received my Diploma (equivalent to a M.Sc.) in Physics from Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in 2008 with a thesis in the field of psychoacoustics and neuroscience. I received a Doctoral Degree from Technische Universität Berlin on the topic of perceptual assessment of sound field synthesis systems in 2014 and continued as a Post-Doc. In 2016 I moved as a Post-Doc to Technische Universität Ilmenau and was a Visiting Professor at Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. In 2017 I was a Post-Doc at the University of Surrey, evaluating musical source separation algorithms. Since 2018 I'm a senior researcher at audEERING.