H Wierstorf, S Spors, "Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox," in 132nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, eBrief 50 (2012). [ link ] [ paper ] [ poster ]


    title     = {Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox},
    author    = {Wierstorf, Hagen and Spors, Sascha},
    booktitle = {132nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society},
    address   = {Budapest, Hungary},
    pages     = {eBrief 50},
    month     = {April},
    year      = {2012},
    url       = {http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=16605}


An open source toolbox for Sound Field Synthesis (SFS) is introduced. The toolbox is able to numerically simulate sound fields synthesized by SFS methods like Wave Field Synthesis or higher order Ambisonics. Various loudspeaker driving signals for the mentioned methods are provided for 2-, 2.5- and 3-dimensional synthesis. The toolbox allows mono-frequent as well as broadband excitation signals. The latter allows to generate snapshots of the spatio-temporal impulse response of a chosen reproduction technique. The toolbox furthermore includes the computation of binaural room impulse responses (BRIR) for a given SFS setup. These can be used to simulate different sound field synthesis methods via binaural resynthesis. The toolbox is provided for Matlab/Octave and comes with an online documentation.

Supplementary material

The Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox is under constant development. Beside its Matlab/Octave version, also a Python version and a discussion of the underlying theory is now available under https://sfs.readthedocs.io.

If you use the Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox in your research, please cite not only this publication, but also the exact version of the toolbox you used. Doi entries for the versions are available on the release page.