H Wierstorf, C Hohnerlein, S Spors, A Raake, "Coloration in Wave Field Synthesis," in 55th International Conference of the Audio Engineering Society, Paper 5-3 (2014). [ link ] [ paper ] [ presentation ]


    title     = {Coloration in Wave Field Synthesis},
    author    = {Wierstorf, Hagen and Hohnerlein, Christoph and Spors, Sascha
                 and Raake, Alexander},
    booktitle = {55th International Conference of the Audio Engineering
    address   = {Helsinki, Finland},
    pages     = {Paper 5-3},
    month     = {August},
    year      = {2014},
    url       = {http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=17381}


Wave Field Synthesis systems are known to suffer from coloration. Depending on the applied number of loudspeakers comb-filter effects are present in the amplitude spectrum. In a listening experiment participants rated the perceived coloration of a synthesized point source compared to the reference case of a single loudspeaker. The point source was presented by two-channel stereophony and Wave Field Synthesis applying a circular loudspeaker array ranging from 14 up to 3 584 loudspeakers. Test participants were placed at different positions in the audience area for Wave Field Synthesis. The whole experiment was done using binaural synthesis.